Benefit Structure

The structure provides details of your medical aid benefits and contributions.

Health Tips

Tips & guides for a healthier stronger you. A healthy family is a happier one.


Napotel Medical Aid offers competitive market related contributions.


Browse our FAQ's to find out more about Napotel Medical Aid benefits.


Register on Portal and gain access to your personal medical aid data.

Add-On Medication Form

Kindly click on the link below to download the Add-On Medication form.

Download Add-On Medication Form


Benefit Booklet 2023

Download the comprehensive Napotel 2023 Benefit Booklet, for all the information on the benefit structure as well as the procedures of the Fund. 

Download Napotel Main Benefit Booklet 2023

Download Napotel LITE Benefit Booklet 2023


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Latest Newsletter for April 2022

Download the latest newsletter for Napotel members fo rinofrmation on the Fund for 2022. Download Newsletter

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Benefit & Contribution Changes Effective 01 January 2018

Download Benefit Guide 01 January 2018

Dear Members,

The Board of Trustees of the Napotel Medical Aid Fund would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their loyal support and continuous feedback on the Fund benefits. The feedback received plays a very important role, as the information is used as part of the annual benefit review process. The performance of the Napotel Medical Aid Fund and its long term sustainability like any other business organization is influenced by factors such as medical inflation, claims, demographics and ageing of the fund. This sound financial position of the Fund is critical to provide members with peace of mind and also to meet the regulatory requirements as set by the Registrar of Medical Funds/Namfisa.

These factors are all considered annually by the trustees in consultation with fund actuaries when determining the proposed percentage increase in contributions and improvement of benefits. The option of improving benefits is a fine balance between the impact on contributions and the affordability of members. To be able to ensure the long term sustainability of the Fund, the Board of Trustees herewith announces an average contribution increase of 9.00% and benefit changes effective 01 January 2017.

The deductions of the new increase will commence at the end of January 2017. Attached on page 2-6 are the new amended benefits & contributions.

In conclusion, the Board of Trustees would like to take this opportunity to wish all members and their loved ones a joyous festive season, and for the ones travelling during this period to drive safely and arrive safe at their respective destinations.