Latest Newsletter for September 2018
Topics for discussion:
1. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
2. Personal data update
3. Portal & Mobile Access for members
1. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
If we look back at the month of June, the fund has been sending continues messages and information to members in regard to the AGM, and for some members the question remains? What makes the AGM important?
Any medical aid fund belongs to its members, In terms of the fund rules and the medical aid act no.23 1995, each registered medical scheme should hold an Annual General Meeting for its members before the 30th of June each year. The main purpose of the AGM meeting is to present and obtain approval on the previous years financial statements before its submitted to Namfisa and also to discuss other fund matters such as trustee remuneration and the appointment of auditors..
The notice to the AGM is distributed 21 days before the meeting, and members are invited with the notice to submit motions (agenda points) which they wish to be included on the AGM agenda. According to the fund rules, a minimum number of members in person or by proxy should be present before the formal proceedings of the meeting can continue, in the case of the Napotel Medical Aid Fund 200 members are required to attend in person or by proxy. Readmore